Wednesday 3 September 2014

After Effect Sniper Test

its a short film based on a sniper shoot . i inspired from the video game Sniper II ghost warrior and i put so much details on it you can see the GPS interacts with the video movements on the down right side i put a gun HUD shows the bullet numbers which reduces after shoots a heart beat detector which shows the heart rate increases after every shoot , the gun health shows the reduction of gun stability after every shoot, on the top of gun HUD there is a signal HUD it shows the HUD health as well as the GPS health the signal goes down when the viewer goes worst , on the top side the scale marker moves with the sniper moves , the distance range of the target tag changes when the target moves, the marker of the target on the GPS moves with the target even it shows the facing of the target and many other details i put on it and it is totally made in After Effect I'm using CS6 thank you for watching

  1. After Effect Sniper Test Watch In Facebook

Tuesday 2 September 2014